BowMeow Magazine Interviews Rodney and Rainbow

Tale One Interview

BowMeow magazine recently interviewed Rodney and Rainbow. Below is a transcript of that interview.

BowMeow is about cat-dog relationships — the good and the bad. Some of our offerings are tips for understanding each other. So, when I read your book, Tales from Bakerhill Lane, I had to talk with you! Your book is filled with great information on all kinds of friendships. Before we get into that, can you tell the readers how you met?

Rainbow: I’ll let Rodney answer. It’s a great story and he loves to tell it.

Rodney: Thank you, Rainbow! We were babies when we met. Rainbow’s human parents, the Parkers, went out of town. Rainbow and her real mom, Molly, stayed with us while they were gone. I had never seen a cat before and when I saw Rainbow, I was very excited. I jumped up and down and squealed with delight. You should have seen Rainbow — she was so scared!

Rainbow: I was a little startled, not scared.

Rodney:  C’mon! You were scared! You jumped about a mile and your fur got huge! And you tried to hit me.

Rainbow: OK, I admit it, you scared me. And I didn’t understand why my fur got so big. I thought it was going to fly right off my body!

(Everybody laughs)

BowMeow: So, Rodney, then what happened?

Rodney: I got upset too. I did not expect her reaction. I stayed away from her until the next morning. I wanted to get to know Rainbow, so I approached her again.

Rainbow: This time he was quiet and mild-mannered. I saw that he was a sweet puppy, just excitable.

Rodney: Yeah, sometimes it’s hard for me to hold back! I’m glad I did because Rainbow gave me a second chance. Look at us now!

BowMeow: In the first tale in your book, I read about the problems you faced because you are of a different species. How did you overcome those challenges?

Rodney: I try not to think about it. It was very embarrassing. If it wasn’t for Rainbow’s patience and wisdom, we may not have stayed friends.

BowMeow: Can you tell our readers what Rainbow did to save your friendship?

Rodney: Rainbow explained that each species has unique abilities. I felt much better knowing there wasn’t anything wrong with me. And, as you have read, some of the canine skills I developed helped Rainbow.

Rainbow: Yes, Rodney was amazing. He was there for me when I needed him. He forgot his embarrassment and saved the day!

Rodney: Thank you, Rainbow.

BowMeow: That’s wonderful. Both of you are an inspiration to our readers. Reading your story will help other cats and dogs with similar issues. I look forward to interviewing you again very soon.

Rodney and Rainbow: Thank you, BowMeow! We always love to help!

Tale Two Interview

Rodney and Rainbow were recently interviewed by BowMeow magazine. Below is a transcript of that interview.

BowMeow: Thank you for taking the time to join me today, Rodney and Rainbow. BowMeow magazine is about cat-dog relationships, so I am always thrilled to talk with you. I loved reading your book, Tales from Bakerhill Lane. Your second tale is about having great listening skills. Our readers know how important that is!

Rodney: I learned that the hard way! As you know, all our books are based on our experiences. And Tale Two wasn’t easy for me to write. I am still a bit ashamed of my role in what happened. It seemed very important to share this, though.

Rainbow: Please don’t be so hard on yourself, Rodney! You learned a lot from what you did. It was something all of us have done.

Rodney: I know. However, I can’t help thinking about what happened to Buddy because of me.

BowMeow: Now I am very curious, Rodney! What happened?

Rodney: I don’t want to give the story away. I can tell you this: Rainbow and I were taking a walk one morning. We ran into my good friend, Buddy. He was very upset! He told us about the tough situation he was in. However, instead of listening to him, my mind was on my first day of dog school. I couldn’t wait to tell Buddy all about it. Anyway, I only heard part of what Buddy said. I missed hearing the part where he asked us not to tell anyone.

Rainbow: And that’s what started the whole mess.

Rodney: Yeah. I opened my big mouth and blew it. I told Teddy what Buddy said. He told Fred. Before long, the message was all messed up! It caused Buddy to get into big trouble.

BowMeow: Oh dear! It sounds like you weren’t the only one who wasn’t listening.

Rainbow: You got that right! All our friends learned a lot about listening that week. Rodney and I know how hard it can be to stay focused. It’s easy to get distracted thinking about what WE want to talk about. Friends should listen to each other with 100% of our attention.

Rodney: Actually, it’s good to ALWAYS listen to your friends with 100% attention.

Rainbow is very good at this, but I still have times when I get excited and am not fully listening.

Rainbow: It does take a lot of practice. Rodney is good at catching himself when his mind wanders. He’s doing a lot better than he says he is.

Rodney: Thank you for saying that, Rainbow!

BowMeow: Our time is about up. Thank you, Rodney and Rainbow. I know our readers will greatly benefit from your experience.

Rodney and Rainbow: Thank you, BowMeow! We always love to help!

BowMeow: One last thing. Is Buddy OK?

Rodney and Rainbow: You’ll have to read the book to find that out!


Tale Three Interview

BowMeow magazine excited to interview Rodney and Rainbow again! Below is a transcript of our interview.

BowMeow: Thank you for talking with me again! BowMeow magazine is about improving cat-dog relationships and you give us great advice. Readers should know that Rodney and Rainbow write about their own experiences.  I’m sure they would love to find out about Tale Three.

Rodney: Once again, I was the one who had to learn a lesson. This was a big one!

Rainbow: To be fair, Rodney, I learned a big lesson too.

BowMeow: This is certainly intriguing! Rainbow, what did you learn?

Rainbow: I learned that you need to be honest with your friends. Even if it may upset them.

BowMeow: Like telling them they need a bath?

Rainbow: Oh no! Nothing like that! That’s just rude. I’d never say that to anybody! This was about protecting Rodney’s feelings.

BowMeow: Maybe I should back up a little bit. Can you tell us what happened?

Rodney: I don’t want to spoil it for your readers. I suppose I can give you the basics. I started going to doggie daycare almost every day. It left no time to play with Rainbow.

Rainbow: I got quite lonely and decided to make new friends. I didn’t tell Rodney. Let’s just say that it didn’t go well.

BowMeow: But you found out anyway, didn’t you Rodney?

Rodney: Thanks to Carl the Crow, I did. I was very upset. I was scared that Rainbow no longer wanted to be friends. It was the worst!

BowMeow: But you worked things out! Rodney, what did you learn from this experience?

Rodney: Can we let readers find out when they read Tales from Bakerhill Lane?

BowMeow: Of course! We are very happy you two worked things out!

Rainbow: We are too! We hope all our readers will be honest with their friends. It may be easier to make friends than to keep them!

BowMeow: I can’t imagine the two of you parting ways! Thank you, Rodney and Rainbow, for sharing your story. I know our readers can learn a lot from you.

Rodney and Rainbow: Thank you, BowMeow. We always love to help!

Tale Four Interview

Rodney and Rainbow, authors of Tales from Bakerhill Lane, talked with me about Tale Four in their book. Below is a transcript of that interview.

BowMeow: Our magazine is about cat-dog relationships. Once again, I welcome our friends Rodney and Rainbow. Joining them is actually a crow! Thank you for joining us, Carl.

Carl the Crow: Thank YOU. If you don’t mind, please call me by my full name, Carl the Crow.

BowMeow: Of course, Carl the Crow! My apologies. Are you OK? You seem a bit nervous.

Carl the Crow: Can you blame me? Your staff is filled with cats! I’m pretty sure I heard a few talking about eating me!

Rainbow: I apologize, Carl the Crow. I wasn’t thinking clearly when I asked you to join us. I forgot how much Dixie scared you.

BowMeow: What happened to you, Carl the Crow?

Rodney: We’d prefer Carl the Crow not answer that. We don’t want to give away too much of the story. We hope you understand.

BowMeow: I understand! Can you give our readers the general idea behind Tale Four?

Rainbow: I am happy to. This story deals with tattle-telling and gossiping. We know most of your readers don’t do this. However, a few of our readers asked if we could write about this.

Rodney: Carl the Crow is here because he was guilty of both of those things. Sorry, Carl the Crow, it had to be said.

Carl the Crow: That’s okay, Rodney. I admit it. I used to be a jerk. I liked getting cats and dogs in trouble. I felt they deserved it — especially cats. They have not always been nice. After what happened to me, I heard from a lot of animals. They told me how much I hurt them. I listened closely. It took a lot of work to learn not to treat any creature badly—even humans.

Rainbow: I have a lot of respect for Carl the Crow now. Rodney too. It was brave of Carl the Crow to look at his actions. Now he gets along with everyone. He even became a news reporter who checks all his facts!

Carl the Crow: Thank you for saying that! It means a lot to me.

BowMeow: I am proud of you too, Carl the Crow. Our time is up. I want to thank all of you for joining me today. Carl the Crow, you have inspired us! Where can our readers purchase your book?

Rodney and Rainbow: Thank you for having us, BowMeow! You can find Tales from Bakerhill Lane on Amazon. Just click the link below.

Tale Five Interview

In Tales from Bakerhill Lane, Tale Five, Rodney and Rainbow wrote about a difficult topic. They’re here to talk about that. Joining me are Princess and Queenie, the main characters in the story. Below is a transcript of that interview.

BowMeow: Rodney and Rainbow, I always love talking with you. Thank you for being here. And Princess and Queenie, thank you for joining me. Your story teaches us a lot about intolerance.

Princess and Queenie: Thank you for having us!

BowMeow: We don’t want you to give away the story, but can you share what led to writing it?

Rainbow: At first, Rodney did not want to write about this. It was a very upsetting experience. I had to talk him into it.

Rodney: So true! Rainbow showed me that other animals have had similar experiences.  Because we always want to help, I realized the story had to be written.

BowMeow: Queenie, you were portrayed as the “bad” character. How did you feel when you heard Rodney and Rainbow were writing about you?

Queenie: l had mixed feelings. I was embarrassed about what I did. I didn’t realize my intolerance hurt so many dogs. Including myself! However, I did want to educate other animals who felt like I did. I was also concerned about how German shepherds were going to be depicted. Happily, Rodney and Rainbow asked me about that.

BowMeow: Queenie, has your life changed because of your new beliefs?

Queenie: Great question! Yes, it has! Now I go to doggie daycare twice a week. I’ve made all kinds of friends — even a Chihuahua. I’ve never had so much fun! It’s also fun to watch Princess having a great time. And we are getting along much better. However, I still feel bad that I hurt other animals. I also think about what I missed because of my old beliefs. But I am only 3 years old so I have plenty of time to catch up!

BowMeow: Princess, would you like to add anything?

Princess: Not really, except to say that I’m a lot happier now! I have so many friends, though I like Rodney the best.

BowMeow: Rodney and Rainbow, any final words before our time is up?

Rainbow: Yes. We both feel this is an important story. It’s one so many animals can relate to. I think we all feel we have been treated unfairly at least once.

Rodney: And you can find Tales from Bakerhill Lane on Amazon. Just click the link below.

BowMeow: Thanks to all of you for talking with me today. I think all the readers will want to read these stories!


Tale Six Interview

In Rodney and Rainbow’s book Tales from Bakerhill Lane, I loved reading Tale Six. What a great story! BowMeow magazine wanted to know more about it. So, I interviewed Rodney, Rainbow, and their friend Oliver. Below is a transcript of that interview.

BowMeow: Rodney and Rainbow, I always like talking to you. Rodney and Oliver, you look exactly alike! It’s remarkable!

Rodney: If it wasn’t for that, Tale Six could not have been written.

BowMeow: How’s that?

Rodney: Rainbow and I dropped off supplies at Bakerhill Animal Shelter. I saw Oliver and had to talk to him. If he hadn’t looked exactly like me, I would have left without meeting him.

Rainbow: Rodney told me that Oliver was there because he was a mean dog. Rodney couldn’t believe it!

Oliver: It was a huge misunderstanding! The shelter was so full of animals that no one had time to talk to me. Nobody asked me what actually happened.

BowMeow: Oliver, can you tell us what happened?

Oliver: I would hate to ruin the story, but I do want to talk about the shelter.

Rainbow: Yes, please! Rodney and I had never heard of a shelter until we saw a news story. The shelter needed a lot of help!

Oliver: I didn’t know about shelters either, but I found out! The volunteers at the shelter are very kind. It’s just not the same as having a loving home. The worst part was wondering if my humans would ever come back. But, as you know, they didn’t. It was a very long, scary, and confusing time.

BowMeow: I am so sorry you had to go through that. Thankfully, it all worked out, though.

Oliver: Me too. I did hear a lot of awful stories there, though. So many stupid reasons why animals end up at the shelter. For the humans reading this: I beg you not to get a dog you cannot afford! Don’t get a dog if you don’t have time for him. If you do get a dog, take them to dog school. And, please, spay and neuter your pets! Too many puppies and kittens were left at the shelter.

BowMeow: I believe our readers are learning a lot about shelters. Fortunately, there are kind humans out there who love dogs and cats.

Rodney: For sure. Rainbow and I are so grateful to have the best humans ever. We wish Oliver’s first humans had cared about Oliver. 

Oliver: Me too. However, I am very grateful there was a shelter for me to go to. I finally did get the best home with Molly and her family! Of course, I must thank Rodney and Rainbow for that! If it wasn’t for them, I know I would still be there.

BowMeow: I hope people will get your book and read Tale Six. I am still thinking about it! Thank you for talking to BowMeow and getting out this important message. Readers, you can find Tales from Bakerhill Lane on Amazon.