Friendship is not always easy. . . .

In a light-hearted way, Tales from Bakerhill Lane focuses on teaching children ages 8-11 how to navigate issues that arise between friends. There are six tales, each presenting a unique learning opportunity. Subjects focus on insecurity, miscommunication, gossip, competition, intolerance, and empathy.

Tale One introduces readers to best friends Rodney and Rainbow.  When they are big enough to go outdoors, Rodney is humiliated after failing numerous times to follow Rainbow up a tree. Worried that Rainbow might be embarrassed by him, Rodney retreats indoors and refuses to go out. Will Rodney ever go outside again? Will Rodney realize he is no less amazing than Rainbow?

In Tale Two, Rodney’s poor listening skills cause a lot of trouble for his friend Buddy, who is already worried about the worst possible thing happening to him. Will Buddy be okay? Will he ever forgive Rodney?

There is good news and bad news for Rodney in Tale Three. The good news is that Rodney starts going to doggie day care. The bad news is that Rainbow becomes lonely and finds a new friend.

Will broken-hearted Rodney lose his best friend forever? Can Rodney overcome his jealousy?

In Tale Four, Rodney and Rainbow are shocked when they witness a horrible event. They try to figure out how and why it happened. Carl the Crow, Bakerhill Lane’s often-misguided news reporter, is at the center of this drama.

Tale Five features mother and daughter German shepherds, Queenie and Princess. Princess begins attending doggie daycare where she meets Rodney. Unfortunately, her mother, Queenie, will only let her play with German shepherds.

In Tale Six Rodney meets his look-a-like, Oliver, at the Bakerhill Animal Shelter where Oliver was abandoned. Rodney is shocked to find out that Oliver is there because he is a mean dog. Is Oliver mean, or just misunderstood? Will he be able to be adopted?

The Characters

Rodney is a Cairn terrier and Rainbow is a solid black kitty. Their adventures inspired the writing of Tales from Bakerhill Lane. Rodney and Rainbow met when they were both still babies and have been very best friends ever since!

Buddy is a poodle mixed with something else. He is sweet and playful, and like Rodney, he is very emotional. His over-reactions have gotten him into serious trouble. He loves going to doggy day care with his friends Fred, Teddy, and of course, Rodney.


Teddy is a yellow Labrador Retriever. He is the most serious of Rodney’s friends, though very sweet. He loves to jump in mud puddles and roll in mud. This always results in a bath, which he hates. Sadly, he can’t seem to stop himself.

Fred is a Border Collie and the most active of Rodney’s friends. He competes in Frisbee competitions and often wins. He also likes to chase squirrels which sometimes gets him into trouble. He is kind and thoughtful.

Carl the Crow is Bakerhill Lan’es news reporter. Unfortunately, he doesn’t always get his facts right. This has create many problems for the neighborhood animals, including himself!

Andy is a sweet and funny orange kitty. He is also Rainbow’s really good friend. After working through Rodney’s jealousy, they are also friends.

Dixie is Andy’s real mom. She has very unusual markings — all gray except for one white paw. Nobody knows Dixie well. However, it is widely known that she’ll do anything to protect Andy.

Princess is a beautiful German shepherd who Rodney met at doggie daycare. She has been having a hard time getting her mom, Queenie, to be more tolerant. Queenie only lets Princess play with German shepherds!

Queenie, a German shepherd, is Princess’s real mom. She is very strict with Princess and is intolerant of other dog breeds. Will Queenie be able to change?

Oliver looks exactly like Rodney! Rodney meets Oliver at the Bakerhill Animal Shelter where he was abandoned for being a mean dog. But is he? And will he ever get adopted?